CPA Tutors & Consultants is Jamaica's largest and most influential trainers for degree holders who seek professional designations that will propel them to lead global businesses. Our signature collection of professional-level, financial designation classes are geared towards FP&A, CPA, CFA and FRM exam candidates.
Not only are our amazing live exam review classes recognized as Jamaica’s best, but the top-tier study materials and exam administrative support we offer our candidates ensures that year after year, our courses outperform any self-study option and makes passing more likely.
As a university graduate, learning never stops and the best investment you can make to “bullet-proof” your life-long career earnings is to pass the CPA, FP&A, CFA or FRM exams. These globally accredited designations are a powerful boost to any graduate's career aspirations and job security over plain academic degrees. Command instant credibility and respect with it listed on your resume – over and beyond what a degree can do!
We run the most effective and highly regarded CPA review course in Jamaica, and Jamaica’s most popular CFA review classes which boost your ability to pass these high-stakes career exams. FP&A is the latest addition to our suite of courses and it is proving to be a hit among ACCA and ICAJ accountants seeking to expand their competency beyond bookkeeping and reporting. We create client value by pin-pointing decisively, what you must know to pass these exams so as to reduce your preparation anxiety and stress. The course delivery is student-centric and approved, by Duane Barrett who passed all parts of the CPA & CFA exams on his first attempt.
Since 1995, our classes helped hundreds of university grads attain executive level positions in organizations in Jamaica, the wider Caribbean, US & Canada. Our objective is to enable time-challenged clients to pass exams to attain prestigious credentials in the shortest period.
Utilizing a full suite of varied, multi-dimensional study materials used worldwide, our courses are led by experienced exam-focused tutors. Call now for info on the following:
- CPA classes in Jamaica
- CFA exam review in Jamaica
- The Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA)
- The Corporate Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A) course
- CFA Investment Foundation Certificate course
All our exam reviews include:
- The top study manuals that explain the exam concepts you will be tested on
- Online, simulated exam questioning test drills
- Focused class notes and slides that eases the process of learning and memory recall at the test time
- Live instructor led, discussion seminars

At a fraction of the cost of a MBA or MSc degree, a professional designation always offers a better career payback for the time and effort involved. Make the right choice by registering in our proven exam courses and get the power to pass and improve your life.
Leveraging the support and resources of the world’s most trusted financial exam study authorities, Kaplan-Schweser and Wiley-CPA, we have the tools and know-how to lower the stress and complexity in studying for these in-demand credentials. Act now.